2006 Ford Focus

(Reason for this post: This is the kind of car I'm renting while mine's in the shop)
I have decided that the 2006 Ford Focus really sucks.
First off, the car sits at an angle. The rear end is way too high. When I look out of the rearview mirror, all I see is my back seat... with the tiny sliver of space that the Ford company seems to think is big enough to be considered a window.
Next, when I look over my shoulders all I can see is the inside side of the car. Like I said, the car sits at a downward slope with the rear being higher than the front. I think this may be the reason that it's next to impossible to see out of the side windows.
Furthermore, there's an armrest in the front that is almost as tall as a large building. It gets in the way of my arm... so much so that it's not really an armrest because if you were to rest your arm upon it, it would look as if you've elevated your elbow to keep blood from rushing to it.
Also, it gets crappy gas mileage. In my Toyota, 1/4 of a tank will easily last me 4 days (going to work and coming back home). The Ford Focus has managed to guzzle down a 1/4 of a tank in a matter of 2 days.
Lastly, the windshield wiper settings were difficult to figure out... and once they come on, for some reason they will not go back off even when pushed into the "off" position.
The only positive thing I have to say about this car is that it does turn nicely.
And this part doesn't really have to do with the Ford Focus, but rather all automatics. I've been driving a standard for... what... 7 years now? Switching over to an automatic is just weird. Whenever I do purchase a new car it will definitely be a standard.
Anyways, just sharing my thoughts.
Dude, all Ford cars suck. The unions have made the bottom line for domestic auto makers to high that they only place they can make cuts enough to be profitable (and they're not really even doing that at the moment) is quality. They have to pay employees more than they're worth, so they have to use crappy third-rate parts and charge premium prices for them. Plain and simply, domestic cars (especially Fords) are cheaply built. They don't last long. I promise that 2006 Ford Focus will have serious issues by 2009. Meanwhile, your 2000 Toyota Corola probably has never been in the shop for major mechanical problems and probably runs almost as good as the first day you bought it. And, to top it off, that Ford Focus will be nearly worthless in 5 years and your 7 year old Corola is probably still worth 4 or 5 grand.
How true all of that is. My Toyota has been in the shop once in the past 7 years... and that was for the O2 sensor that went out earlier this year. And, the O2 sensor isn't even a major problem, it's something that will go out on all cars eventually.
And according to the Bluebook value, my car is worth between 6 and 8 grand. It cost me a little over $14 grand brand new. So in 7 years, it's still worth around half of what I paid for it.
I love my Toyota and will more than likely continue to buy a Toyota every time I buy a car (unless they start building crappy cars).
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