*shakes head*

In case you haven't heard of Jesus Camp (a documentary coming out on Sept. 22) you should check out these links:
Link 1
Link 2
I'm interested in watching this film.
Sadly, though, this looks like the typical emotion-driven service that gets kids "fired up" for God. Then... of course... once camp's over the "fire" is mysteriously extinguished and the kids are left to think that they must have lost their salvation... or that God doesn't want anything to do with them... or that they're not good enough... etc.
And... this kind of stuff gives Christians a bad name. The outsiders looking in will of course think (if they don't already) that all Christians are like this.
Anyways... enough on that. Enjoy the video clips. ;)
I'll watch the videos later...I'll need a break from work. ;-)
Peter T. Chattaway has blogged several times about Jesus Camp, btw. I haven't read any of his stuff recently, but he's usually got some good thoughts about anything on film.
"Pastor" Becky Fischer....
"I really feel that we're a key generation to Jesus coming back."
Um, yeah.
It's bad enough when churches emotionally manipulate people in their high-school–age youth groups; at least teenagers are beginning to develop the capacity to think critically and independently. I fear many of these kids, ten to fifteen years from now, will be very resentful of the camp and their parents.
Not to mention the danger of this ludicrous idea that human actions can manipulate or force the timing of Christ's return.
And why does "evangelical" seem increasingly to be completely interchangeable with "Pentecostal?"
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