My Poor Tummy

I haven't had any of the normal "friends" that like to keep stomach-aches company, just the dull aching. It's really weird. It's not like any other stomach ache I've ever had.
I went ahead and cancelled the job I had for tomorrow because I don't think I will be able to stand in a classroom all day. I didn't really want to cancel the job because I like money... but I really don't think it would be a good idea to go.
Anyways, hopefully I'll be feeling better tomorrow because I really would like to work the rest of the week.
Until then, try GasEx or something. Maybe it's just a bunch of gas? But Alan's right, if it lasts much longer and especially if it gets worse, go to the doctor.
You alive over there?
I'm still alive. :) My stomach is feeling better now. It took a while, but it finally stopped feeling weird.
Thanks for your concern, all of you. :)
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